Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Pacific Invasion: A shot at 50 Saturday
Dreams of a White Christmas may be fleeting for many Minnesotans this year. A massive December thaw is less that 48 hours away. If the forecast models are right, there's a 50/50 shot at a few hyperactive bank thermometers near you blinking 50 degrees mark sometime Saturday afternoon.
Growing odds for mild winter of 2014-15?
Minnesota weather is a lot like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Even as a cold November seemed to steel Minnesotans for another early and cold winter, changes in ocean-atmosphere links in the tropical Pacific were underway that may ultimately produce just the opposite. I’m already on record as saying in…
Sunday slush, thaw next week then colder
A Clipper rides in Sunday with some light mixed precipitation trending toward snow. A slushy inch or so looks likely for the metro, with a couple of inches north.
Jaw dropping December mega-thaw ahead?
Overnight and early Thursday model runs just keep magnifying the intensity and duration of what looks like a near record breaking December heat wave starting late next week.
Warming trend: Slow now, instant spring next week?
We’ve come a long way since black ice and sub zero temps Monday morning. -3 degrees low temperature at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Monday morning 34 degrees forecast high temperature Friday afternoon 2 inches snow depth at MSP Airport Our well advertised warming trend kicks in over the next 48 hours. Many locations in southern Minnesota may…