Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Instant May: Pushing 70 degrees Thursday
Call it May-pril. It seems we need to come up with new month names for our increasingly odd out of season weather patterns these days. Our March outlier weather winning streak continues this week.
May preview: Metro 66 degrees ties record high
Welcome to early May? The Twin Cities tied the record high of 66 degrees Tuesday. St. Cloud's record high of 61 degrees blew the previous record of 54 out of the water. Tuesday's records were established just three years ago in the incredible March of 2012
First 60 Tuesday, El Nino drought concerns
One step outside Monday afternoon and you can feel spring is in the air. The sound of gutters draining the last few snow piles. Unfamiliar bird songs. Squirrels darting across snow free lawns. Neighbors you haven't seen in five months.
Spring forward: 50 degree warm front ahead
Over the next week we'll see some things in Minnesota we haven't seen in months. Bare grass again. Puddles in the streets. Dazed neighbors with pasty white legs strolling by in shorts. Strange birds in your backyard. Yes folks we made it through another Minnesota winter. Welcome to early spring in Minnesota.
Warmer air 24 hours away
The warm up kicks in Friday as temps push well into the 30s. Pacific warmth builds this weekend, then peaks Tuesday with warmth pulsing into the Upper Midwest.
Climate Cast: Drought a factor in Syrian conflict
To some climate change seems a far off distant future concept. Not to US military and intelligence agencies. A growing body of evidence suggests climate change and prolonged drought helped sew the seeds of conflict in Syria and western Iraq. Even small shifts in climate in marginal climate zones can have disproportionate impacts.