
Pawlenty vetos transportation bill
Gov. Pawlenty has vetoed a bill that would spend $6.6 billion over the next 10 years on transportation, setting up an override showdown in the the House and Senate.
Transportation bill headed to governor's desk
Supporters and opponents of a transportation funding bill will be stepping up their lobbying efforts now that the Minnesota House and Senate have both passed it. The Senate passed the bill with enough votes to override a gubernatorial veto. The House came up one vote short.
It's agreed: Hastings bridge needs replacement, but how to pay for it?
There are renewed calls for the Hastings bridge to be replaced, after a new MnDOT report downgraded the bridge's condition. The span is slated for replacement, but not until next decade. Replacing the bridge would cost nearly $100 million, and at this point that money isn't available.
Hastings bridge downgraded
The condition rating of the Hastings bridge, already one of the lowest-rated bridges in the Twin Cities region, has been lowered even further, according to a state Transportation Department inspection report.
Poll: Molnau gets low marks as MnDOT chief
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/Humphrey Institute poll shows that those Minnesotans who know of Carol Molnau disapprove of the job she's doing as transportation commissioner by a nearly 2-1 margin.
Bridge design is in, funding still in question
The plans have been unveiled, the contract is signed, and in spite of legal threats from contractors who lost the bidding process, surveying begins Tuesday for the new 35W bridge. Where does funding stand for the bridge project and other transportation priorities in Minnesota?
DFL Senate Transportation Committee Chair Steve Murphy is one of the eight members of the Legislative Advisory Committee and he wants some transparency from MnDOT and Gov. Pawlenty.
Improvements to Twin Cities roadways are underway
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is making changes to Highway 280, the main detour for Interstate 35W, which is closed near the site of the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis.