Weather chats with Mark Seeley

High winds and whiplash weather increase risk of wildfires in Minnesota

A woman walks through the snow.
A woman braces against the blowing snow while walking to work in downtown Rochester Wednesday morning. Rochester residents experience heavy snow and high winds on March 5.
Ken Klotzbach | MPR News

Statewide extremes the first weeks of March have Minnesota in weather whiplash. Unusually warm weather mixed with strong winds have exacerbated wildfire chances, with a number of days receiving Red Flag Warnings.

“We’ve had many observers around the state report 30 to 40 mph. wind gusts on 10 or more days already this month,” said climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley.

Additionally, the wild weather swings have created a reverse weather environment between northern and southern Minnesota. Southern Minnesota has seen 10 to 17 inches of snowfall in the first three weeks, while the northern area has seen less than 5 inches.

MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Seeley about the wide swings in the forecast during their weekly weather chat.