Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Weekend snowstorm expected to kick off a streak of cold weather

cars driving in a cloud of snow fog
Drivers and spectators gather Sundays on the ice of Bass Lake in Otter Tail County to race cars on the slick ice of the lake. Photo taken on Feb. 2.
Dan Gunderson | MPR News

Much of the state is anticipating a weekend blast of snow — but that wintry weather will kickstart a wave of cold weather.

“In fact, it may be a streak-y pattern that lasts, oh gosh, anywhere from nine to 12 or maybe 14 days,” meteorologist and climatologist Mark Seeley told MPR News host Cathy Wurzer.

The extreme cold will mostly affect the northern parts of the state.

If the forecast holds up, areas like International Falls, in the “icebox” of Minnesota, can expect to see over 20 days of subzero temperatures.

The temperature — and snow — disparity between the northern and southern parts of the state have been pretty stark all month. But over the next few days, the state can unify under colder and snowy temperatures.

Wurzer spoke with Seeley about the incoming snow in their weekly weather chat. Listen to the full conversation by clicking the player above.