Weather chats with Mark Seeley

May ends with twice the amount of rainfall than normal

An ominous storm cloud rolls over a town's main street
A severe thunderstorm rolls through Winona during the "Sketches of Minnesota" event on May 21.
Ben Hovland | MPR News

Weather chats with Mark Seeley will be moving a few minutes earlier on Fridays. You can tune in and listen to the weekly weather recap at 6:47 a.m. on Morning Edition with Cathy Wurzer.

The final day of May brings a close to one of the wettest months in Minnesota history. According to climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley, this combined April and May have been the sixth wettest ever recorded.

Over 190 climate stations across the state reported over 6 inches of rain for the month, with many swaths of the state reporting twice the normal amount for this time of year. Yet, 1938 still remains as the wettest month in Minnesota history with a statewide average rainfall of 8 inches. This month only reached about a quarter above 5 inches.

MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Seeley about the wettest month in history along with the future in their weekly weather chat.