Weather and Climate News

Sled dog race postponed due to lack of snow

A dog stands with its mouth open
Indy, an Alaskan husky, completed the Gunflint Mail Run dogsled race on Jan. 12, 2020.
Courtesy of Frank Moe

The 2024 Gunflint Mail Run Sled Dog Race in northeastern Minnesota has been postponed due to warm temperatures.

The 65-mile race was originally scheduled for January 6 along the Gun Flint Trail in Cook County, about 30 miles north of Grand Marais.

The race’s board of directors made the decision to postpone on Friday evening.

“We need a good foot and a half, two feet [of snow] … in order to pull this race off,” said organizer Cathy Quinn. “So we are hoping to delay long enough so that we can get our trail into a condition that will allow for us to move forward.”

There also needs to be enough ice for a four-mile stretch across Poplar Lake.

Quinn said they would need at least two weeks of snowfall to prepare the trails for sled dogs. Organizers hope to announce the rescheduled date in early January. Updates will be posted to the Gunflint Mail Run website.

“Our board will be checking in weekly from here on out, and we’re all just kind of staring down the forecast. I’m getting a little neurotic with checking the weather,” Quinn said. “It’s probably not healthy.”

Quinn said they want to be mindful of other races scheduled in the region, while taking into consideration the availability of veterinarians and volunteers. She said about 50 to 70 volunteers are needed to ensure a safe race.

Fifteen teams are expected to compete in the upcoming competition.