The murder of George Floyd

Crews try to reopen George Floyd Square to traffic

A car drives through an intersection.
An SUV drives west along 38th Street at the intersection with Chicago Avenue after city crews cleared debris from nearby streets on Tuesday in south Minneapolis.
Tim Nelson | MPR News

Crews returned to George Floyd Square in south Minneapolis early Tuesday and once again cleared barriers to reopen the intersection to traffic.

Shortly before 7 a.m., cars were seen driving through 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, though there are efforts underway to block the street again. Garbage carts and other debris were pushed back out onto the streets within minutes of the departure of city crews.

Cars and other barriers block a road.
Makeshift barriers to traffic were back near George Floyd Square within hours of city crews clearing the area on Tuesday, though some traffic was still getting through at 39th Street and Chicago Avenue.
Tim Nelson | MPR News

An attempt to reopen the intersection last week drew large crowds of protesters who quickly closed the streets and called for more community input on the plans.

Mayor Jacob Frey had pledged in February to reopen the intersection following the trial of Derek Chauvin, the officer who killed Floyd as the man lay handcuffed and pinned to the ground in police custody. A jury in April convicted Chauvin on murder and manslaughter charges.

Residents and activists who serve as unofficial leaders and organizers at the square, however, have vowed they won't step aside unless the city meets their demands.