Morning Edition

Council President Bender: Minneapolis overwhelmed by growing homeless encampments, seeking state aid

Minneapolis City Council members discuss defunding police department
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender speaks to a crowd that gathered at Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis on Sunday, June 7.
Liam James Doyle for MPR News

What comes next for those living in dozens of encampments in Minneapolis parks?

That’s an open question in the city right now. In June, a number of people who had taken shelter in a former hotel amid unrest following George Floyd’s killing moved to Powderhorn Park, in south Minneapolis, when the shelter closed.

After several days, the city park board voted to let them — and others camping in city parks — stay for the foreseeable future.

Now, the park board estimates some 560 tents are spread across Powderhorn Park alone, leaving many residents and neighbors wondering what the future holds.

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender spoke with MPR News Host Cathy Wurzer about the city’s path forward on Thursday morning.