Today's Question Blog

How did the Minnesota Legislature do this session?

In addition to legalizing same-sex marriage, lawmakers raised taxes by $2 billion and passed a bill that will let some child and home care workers vote to unionize.

Session highlights from the last 48 hours:

  •  Legislature approves budget that increases taxes by $2 billion

  • Legislature approves pared down bonding bill

  • No minimum wage hike this session

  •  Minnesota House approves daycare and home care unionization bill, 68-66

  •  5 DFLers voted against the bill

  •  Minnesota Senate won't take up anti-bullying bill

  •  House drops measures to increase transparency around campaign donations

  •  House passes Legacy bill, shifts more parks money to metro area

  •  Bill that would spend $485 million more for schools, and includes funding for all day kindergarten heads to Gov. Dayton's desk

  • Democrats pushed through plans that they say will help job growth. They include state money to help Rochester handle a planned Mayo Clinic expansion, tax breaks for phase 2 of the Mall of America and subsidies to help a pharmaceutical company expand in Brooklyn Park.

Today's Question: How did the Minnesota Legislature do this session?