3M and PFC groundwater contamination in Minnesota

Around MN: PFOS?, feeding the world, a struggle to address disparity

The Big Story blog is digging deep on a water pollution today, sparked by Met Council's consideration of a lawsuit against 3M over chemical discharges. Here's some background reading to prepare you for the day-ahead on Paul's blog.

Met Council considers legal options against 3M over chemical discharge

The Metropolitan Council has formally asked its lawyers to explore legal options against 3M related to millions of dollars in costs of meeting new state requirements for discharging perfluorinated chemicals from wastewater treatment plants into the environment (MPR News).

Increased PFCs in Groundwater at 3M Woodbury Site

Analysis of on-site groundwater sampling results completed by 3M last month showed that levels of two of the PFCs of concern, known as PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfate), had increased in monitoring wells at the site. 3M notified the MPCA of the findings on Sept. 14 (Fox News).

Testing shows no harmful PFC levels in Cottage Grove wells

State officials say recent testing of private wells in Cottage Grove and Woodbury did not detect harmful levels of 3M-manufactured chemicals (South Washington County Bulletin).

PFOS explained

Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), or perfluorooctane sulfonate, is a man-made fluorosurfactant and global pollutant. PFOS was the key ingredient in Scotchgard, a fabric protector made by 3M, and numerous stain repellents. High levels of PFOS have been detected in humans and wildlife raising health concerns (Wikipedia).

Map: 3M disposal sites and Chemolite plant

In two wells in Woodbury, an increasing level of PFCs -- a chemical made by 3M -- has been detected at a former dump site. No increases have been found in nearby domestic wells, however (Pioneer Press).

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Blog Box

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