Andre Dubus III explores the days before Sept. 11 in new novel

Andre Dubus III
Andre Dubus III says it took him five years to write "The Garden of Last Days." The book is more than 500 pages long, but it all grew from one image which kept re-appearing in his mind.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

In the new novel "The Garden of Last Days" by Andre Dubus III, a little girl wakes up in the office of the strip club where her mother is dancing. She wanders away.

Her disappearance changes the lives of several of the people at the club: her mom, the bouncers and the customers, including a Middle Eastern man who is about to leave Florida on a suicide mission. It's early September 2001.

Dubus wrote the best selling novel "The House of Sand and Fog." He's in the Twin Cities to read from his new novel. He says he didn't set out to write a Sept. 11 novel, but kept returning to a single image of the money on the desk.