'B is for Beer' says author Tom Robbins in new book

Tom Robbins
Tom Robbins says his new book "B is for Beer" is really meant for children, but he expects a lot of adults will want to read it too.
MPR Photo/Euan Kerr

Best-selling author Tom Robbins was a little tired when he came into the MPR studios today. He said he was jetlagged, even though he had only come from New York.

"I can get jetlag travelling north-south in the same time zone on a Greyhound bus," Robbins said.

'B is for Beer'
Tom Robbins' "B is for Beer."
Cover art from HarperCollins Publishers

Robbins has made a career out of writing novels which make people laugh while also exploring the serious side of the human condition.

The list of books is long: "Jitterbug Perfume," "Still Life with Woodpecker," "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues," and a host of others. He's now added a very different title - "B is for Beer." It's a children's book, where a little girl learns more than she wants to about beer and it's place in our culture.

Robbins said the book came about as a result of a cartoon he read in the New Yorker Magazine. He told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr it showed two men at a bar, one a publisher with a martini, and the other disheveled writer with a beer.

Tom Robbins will read from his book "B is for Beer" at the Talk of the Stacks program at the Central public library in Minneapolis at 7 p.m.