Stadium Watch Blog

The new fare at Target Field: gotta try the meatloaf sandwich
The Minnesota Twins and Target Field’s food service provider unveiled this season’s specials today. They’ll have some of rookies from previous seasons, from Walk-A-Tacos to Fulton Brewing beer. But they’re also introducing a variety of new or changed items throughout the stadium, according to Pete Spike, the general manager for Delaware North Companies’ Minnesota Sportservice,…
Lawmaker calls for Senate hearing on e-pulltab revenues, estimates
This is a cross-post from MPR’s Capitol View blog, from Capitol reporter Tom Scheck: One of the most vocal critics of public financing for the Vikings stadium is calling on the Legislature to hold hearings on the problems with the revenue estimates put forward by the Dayton administration. The state’s funding portion of the stadium…
Rybak: Don’t expect Minneapolis to make good on state’s e-pulltab bet
First the good news: Minneapolis hospitality tax revenues for last year came out about $4 million ahead of budget expectations. That money comes from hotel, food and drink taxes downtown, and most of it helps pay for the Minneapolis Convention Center. But some of it will eventually go to the new Vikings stadium and the…
Tonight: the Lowertown Ballpark’s minority report debuts in St. Paul
It’s hard to muster a lot of love for the Gillette building — the hulking, erstwhile shampoo factory in downtown St. Paul that looks like a corrugated concrete warehouse. But downtown gallery owner, artist and one-time city council contender Bill Hosko says he doesn’t want it demolished to make room for the new Lowertown Ballpark. In…
The Clean-up Committee: Lawmakers who may eye the Vikings stadium problem
Gov. Mark Dayton yesterday made reference to the appointment of a legislative committee that may grapple with the Vikings stadium’s ongoing issues. He dropped a few names, but here’s the official list of the members of the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities. Here’s the Senate side: And the House membership: For the record, Dayton…
Dayton: Industry SHOULD be part of pulltab projections
Governor Mark Dayton today sounded a different tone after critical remarks on whether the Gambling Control Board was as open as it should have been about the gambling industry’s role in estimating the revenue the state could expect from electronic pulltabs. Asked about the industry’s role for a second day, he defended his administration’s previous consultations with the…
Dayton administration said in 2011 e-pulltab predictions relied on gambling industry
The Dayton administration seems to be of several minds regarding the role the gambling industry played in the revenue estimates for electronic pulltabs, now of such concern for the financing of the Vikings stadium. The revenues are coming in far below the initial estimates, and the locations that have the machines are lagging far behind…
Sam Black, over at the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal, says the Star Tribune is starting to eye alternate office space if the expected Ryan Cos. deal for the paper’s land pans out. Black describes the search as focusing on nearby downtown properties, some of them well known: “Sources familiar with the search say the…
The Star Tribune’s Jean Hopfensperger has a look at those initial revenue projections that the Legislature was counting on when it passed the stadium bill last year. The story details the circuitous route the state took to putting a number on what it could expect from the new games. Turns out, the only people who would…
Another Minnesota stadium collapse!
Ok, it’s no Metrodome deflation, but, once again, another landmark Minnesota sports facility has suffered a partial collapse. This time, it’s Wade Municipal Stadium, home of the Duluth Huskies. Fox 21 News in Duluth has a good picture of the damage: This is bad news for the Huskies, who want to attract more people to…