Stadium Watch Blog

Vikings, Wells Fargo stadium district sign dispute goes super-size
The Strib’s Patrick Reusse is taking it to the Vikings today, excoriating the team for its opposition to a plan to put giant bank logos atop the towers Ryan Construction is building for Wells Fargo in downtown Minneapolis. The Vikings say the logos may impinge on the corporate branding they’re planning to sell on the Read more →
Gambling contribution to stadium funding is small change so far
The Pioneer Press’s Doug Belden reports that charitable gambling didn’t amount to much, as far as the Vikings stadium is concerned. Once hoped to be the main source of revenue, electronic pulltabs and other increases in charitable gambling contributed a total of $89,000 in fiscal year 2013 — although the games didn’t run for the Read more →
Digging for new Vikings stadium starts at the Metrodome
They’re burnin’ diesel over at the Metrodome this morning. Just after 8 a.m., a shovel started peeling back the blacktop in the northeast corner of the parking lot, ahead of tomorrow’s formal groundbreaking ceremony. American Engineering Testing was on hand to start collecting soil samples, as well. The digging marks the start of months of Read more →
Report: Vikings and U sparred over TCF Bank stadium
The Star Tribune’s Mike Kaszuba says the negotiations over the TCF Bank stadium lease for two Vikings seasons was more than just a Coke vs. Pepsi dispute. He reports today that the school and the team actually threatened to walk away from negotiations before the deal was signed last year. The U even feared the Read more →