Stadium Watch Blog

Lawsuit threatens to disrupt electronic pulltabs, Vikings stadium funding
A dispute over licensing the iPads used in Minnesota’s most popular electronic pulltab games has brought roll out of the devices to a halt, at least temporarily. That’s according to a lawsuit filed in Ramsey County District Court and since moved to U.S. District Court in Minneapolis. It says that the maker of the games, Read more →
Crews tearing down the Metrodome passed another milestone today: the cables that criss-crossed the iconic inflatable roof were cut loose from the walls. With explosives, no less. Here’s what it looks like now, in a tweet just after the explosion ,from from Janey Kryluik: Heard a big "explosion" this morning; looked out to see the Read more →
Dayton will skip Super Bowl trip because of propane fuel crisis
Gov. Mark Dayton isn’t going to New York after all. He’d been planning to go to the New York/New Jersey area Friday for a site tour and meetings with NFL officials, trying to woo the league as it weighs where to hold the 2018 Super Bowl. Here’s what his office said today: “Governor Dayton was Read more →
Three reasons a Super Bowl might not be worth as much as you think
Gov. Mark Dayton says the 2018 Super Bowl could have a $500 million economic impact on the state. But as the Twin Cities learned with the Republican National Convention in 2008, that can be hard to find on the ground.
Minnesota heading to NYC to make a pitch for the Super Bowl
Gov. Mark Dayton said this morning he thinks the Super Bowl could give Minnesota a huge economic boost in 2018. With that in mind, the governor and a team of Super Bowl backers are expected to travel to New York City this weekend to pitch the state to the NFL to host the big game Read more →
Vikings stadium builders in Minneapolis say they’re figuring out how to get financing back on track today after the Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed the final legal challenge to the facility’s funding plan. A pair of suits threatened to set back the construction, and possibly delay the opening into the 2017 season. Stadium opponent Doug Mann’s Read more →