
New Wild owner says 'it ain't broke;' won't make big changes
The man who brought professional hockey back to Minnesota is passing the torch. Bob Naegele said Thursday he's selling his majority stake in the Wild to Craig Leipold. Both men are going to great lengths to assure Wild fans that nothing's really changing.
The year in sports
Sports analyst Howard Sinker will be in the studios for his traditional New Year's Day sports show. He'll look at the sports stories of the year gone by and the ones to look for in the new year.
The Minnesota Vikings' season has ended. The team's slim shot at getting into the playoffs ended Sunday afternoon when the Washington Redskins beat the Dallas Cowboys. Moments later, Vikings quarterback Tavaris Jackson fumbled in overtime, leading to a 22-19 loss to the Denver Broncos.
Metrodome is training ground for marathoners
One of your New Year's resolutions may be to get more exercise. But getting exercise can be a challenge during the gloomiest, coldest part of the year. Still, every week hundreds of people have found a cheap, accessible, warm place to run off those holiday pounds -- they go to one of the largest buildings in Minneapolis.
The Minnesota Vikings lost 32-21 to the Washington Redskins Sunday night, ending a five-game winning streak. The Vikings could still make the playoffs, but they'll need some help.
In the land of 10,000 hockey players, gay athletes gain momentum
The Twin Cities Gay Hockey Association is a group designed to provide a safe space for gay and gay-friendly people to play competitive hockey. This is their first season as an independent athletic association.
Explaining the Steroid Era
The Mitchell Report on steroid use in baseball has implicated 85 past and present players. It also coined the phrase the "Steroid Era" for the past decade of of baseball. Dr. Jon Hallberg spoke with MPR's Tom Crann about the report and put some of the findings into context.
Baseball's steroid problem
Players have been named and the extent of performance enhancing drug use in baseball has been revealed, but will George Mitchell's report help clean up America's pastime?