
The Minnesota Timberwolves put their perfect 1-0 record on the line tonight when they host the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Wolves won their season opener on Wednesday night, coming back from 19 points behind to beat the New Jersey Nets. The team has a new head coach, several new players, and a new general manager this year.
All-star movie faces uphill struggle -- because it's about soccer
A new movie called "The Damned United," opening in the Twin Cities this weekend, has a lot going for it, but the film faces a challenge at the U.S. box office because - it's about soccer.
The developer working to bring the NFL back to the Los Angeles area with a sleek, new 75,000-seat stadium has a 600-acre site to build the proposed venue and is close to having the legal go-ahead to break ground.
Good news for Brett Favre and other older athletes
Vikings quarterback Brett Favre will celebrate his 40th birthday tomorrow, still playing in a league where the average age for players is around 27. Football can be a punishing game for an aging body. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked about aging athletes with an expert on fitness after 40.