
Vonn tests shin on skis for 1st time since injury
Each of Thursday's steps was seen as a sign that, yes, Lindsey Vonn might very well compete in five Olympic races, after all, and might be able to think once again about medals, not medicine.
Vonn says injury may keep her out of Olympics
U.S. skiing star Lindsey Vonn, a Minnesota native, said she has a badly bruised right shin, which could possibly keep her from competing in the Vancouver Olympics.
The anticipated Super Bowl ads got a little more interesting this year with the prospect of the first-ever advocacy ad to run during the game.
The 2010 Olympic games open a week from today in Vancouver, British Columbia. In the U.S., NBC paid over $800 million for exclusive rights to broadcast the games, and expects to lose money on the venture.
Respect for the game
The girls of Wrenshall High School's basketball team lost a game to Moose Lake 65-0 in December. They have every right to be dispirited, but amazingly, they're not.