Social Issues

The new segregation
More than 40 years after the civil rights movement, America is becoming a more segregated society, as whites and blacks further separate themselves into racially homogenous communities. The show will include a speech by Georgetown law professor Sheryl Cashin, recorded at last Tuesday's Minnesota Meeting.
The challenge of speaking Spanish in America
If you listen to a group of native Spanish-speakers, you might think their fast-paced conversation means easy communication with one another. But within the Spanish-speaking population, there's a very clear divide -- a linguistic "us" and "them."
Spanish words can have different meanings, depending on which country the speaker is from. Here are a few examples.
A reporter's notebook
Reporter Ambar Espinoza, who was born in El Salvador, speaks fluent Spanish. Yet in the course of reporting this story, she was surprised to learn something new about her native language.
Couple wants to preserve historic battle site
A group has organized to recognize the last battle site in the 1862 U.S.-Dakota Conflict. The landowners are willing to open the scene of the Wood Lake battle to the public.
Children of the Holocaust
Midmorning talks with two Holocaust survivors about their experiences during World War II, and the difficult process of sharing those memories.
A period of relative peace in Liberia has prompted U.S. immigration officials to change the status of Libreian refugees in the U.S.