Social Issues

Should Minnesota mandate cancer vaccine?
Lawmakers at the state Capitol are debating whether to require 12-year-old girls to get a vaccine that prevents some forms of cervical cancer. Opponents are concerned it would send a mixed message about sexuality to young women.
Mind exercises offer hope to seniors worried about dementia
Some Minnesota House lawmakers are pushing a bill that would give tax credits to seniors and their families who purchase independent-living technologies. These are products that are designed to help seniors live on their own for a longer period of time. One mental fitness tool, called cognitive training, is just beginning to catch on in the senior market.
The new policy, adopted Friday by the University of Wisconsin System, is designed to increase diversity among the system's 160,000 students. Conservatives say they will challenge the policy in court.
Ephron on aging
A rebroadcast of author Nora Ephron's appearance on Midmorning. She talks with Kerri Miller about her new collection of essays on coping with life after 60.
CEO of Twin Cities area Humane Society dies
Martha McPhee, who oversaw the merger of three Twin Cities based humane societies into one, died Tuesday at her home in Minneapolis. She was 51.
Congress takes aim at predatory lending as foreclosures hit Minneapolis, other cities
U.S. mortgage lending practices are "out of balance" and need to protect minority borrowers and those with less than pristine credit, Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said Wednesday.
The Morrison County Board's decision to grant a conditional-use permit for a commercial dog breeding kennel was "arbitrary and capricious" because the board acted with limited information about the debarking of dogs, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled.
"The Four Magic Words"
For the first time since it was founded nearly a century ago, the NAACP has a businessman at the helm. Bruce Gordon became president and CEO of the NAACP in 2005, after retiring as an executive at Verizon. He gave a speech titled "The Four Magic Words" Jan. 26 at the Cleveland City Club Forum.
Keeping kids dry
The problem of teen drinking persists despite campaigns and a wealth of research. Midmorning examines whether or not testing for alcohol in high schools would deter underage drinking.