Social Issues

Man on a mission
Greg Mortenson recounts his long journey from a failed attempt to climb K2 to building schools for the remote, poverty-stricken villages of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
It's not even spring, but parents and kids are already filling out applications for summer camp. For working parents, it can be tough to fill up a whole summer with activities. And a slumping economy only makes it harder.
'The Counterfeiters' moral dilemma
"The Counterfeiters," which won this year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language film, tells the true story of the largest counterfeiting operation in history. During World War II, Nazis formed a counterfeiting unit in a concentration camp that was staffed entirely by Jews, working under threat of death.
A radical way to help the poor
Nobel Peace Prize winner and author Muhammed Yunus spoke at the Commonwealth Club about his successful microcredit banking program and his new book, "Creating a World Without Poverty."
Into the 2008 legislative session
Minnesota's Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller and House Speaker Margaret Kelliher join Gary Eichten in studio to discuss some of the top legislative issues at the Capitol.
Proposal would restrict hallucinogenic plant
During the summer months, it is pretty common to see the dark purple or scarlet flowers of the salvia plant in gardens around the region. However, there is a type of salvia that some Minnesota lawmakers want to add to a list of controlled substances: Salvia divinorum.
A son's addiction, a father's agony
A child's addiction transforms a family. Two new memoirs with different perspectives show how a child's meth habit nearly destroyed a son and almost devastated his father.