Social Issues

A first-of-its-kind government study found that a quarter of teenage girls in the U.S. has a sexually transmitted disease. By far the most common is human papillomavirus, an infection that can lead to cervical cancer.
Book explores history through the story of one family
In a new book Southwest State University historian Joseph Amato traces the story of his family across North America and Europe. In "Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History," Amato talks about his ancestors and uses their stories to put a human face on historical events.
How to reform mental health care in Minnesota
One of the most dramatic reforms is an idea new to the state: Instead of at a hospital, a treatment center or a group home, people who need mental health care are served by a team of caregivers who come to them.
Towards mental health parity
The House of Representatives passed a mental health parity bill last week, but critics say the bill is too inclusive and will drive up health care costs. Midmorning speaks with one of the bill's main backers, the son of the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, about why the issue was so important to his father.
Spitzer's involvement in the ring was caught on a federal wiretap as part of an investigation opened in recent months, according to a law enforcement official.
Reviving the gun debate
Midmorning discusses new thinking about gun control and violence and what may be behind the the recent spate of school shootings.
Women rule
A speech by former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Meyers. She recently discussed her new book, "Why Women Should Rule the World" at the Commonwealth Club of California.
Director hopes Minnesota-made movie leads to healing
A movie shot around the Fond du Lac reservation in northern Minnesota will gets its first public screening at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. The film, "Older than America," is an uncompromising drama about Indian boarding schools.