Social Issues

The slight increase in Minnesota traffic fatalities in 2007 is in contrast to the national roadway death toll which declined.
They're the first to go to college
A quarter of Minnesota's college and university students are the first from their family to go on to higher education and this requires more from the schools to support them.
State Fair show will celebrate 150 years of Minnesota statehood
One of the special Minnesota State Fair attractions this year is the Big Top State Fair Chautauqua. It will present a mixture of music and lectures celebrating 150 years of Minnesota statehood.
Scientists from the Mayo Clinic and two other research labs say they've found an efficient way to make red blood cells from human embryonic stem cells, a possible step toward making transfusion supplies in the laboratory.
The new philanthropy
The leaders of two large foundations serving Minnesota talk about how charitable giving has changed. Both the presidents of the McKnight and Bush foundations say the needs keep growing, but they have different ways of dealing with society's ills.
A new face for America
Recent census numbers show that ethnic minorities in the United States will represent more than half of the country by the year 2050. Midmorning speaks with two futurists on how these changing demographics will impact American communities.