Social Issues

Soccer club  connects immigrant teens to their favorite sport
Poverty, isolation and a lack of organized activities are some of the main reasons African immigrant teens in the Twin Cities are drawn to gangs and crime. A St. Paul group is addressing these problems as a team -- a soccer team.
Los Latinos empezaron a llegar al condado de Todd hace mas de una decada, principalmente para tomar trabajos dificiles y relativamente bajos de sueldo, procesando carne. Ahora son mas de mil personas.
For more children, dinner is coming from Uncle Sam
More low-income school kids could soon have access to free nutritious dinners, because of a U.S. Department of Agriculture program that provides reimbursements for the suppers at schools in 13 states, including Wisconsin.
White flight? In a reversal, America's suburbs are now more likely to be home to minorities, the poor and a rapidly growing older population as many younger, educated whites move to cities for jobs and shorter commutes.