Social Issues

St. Cloud's history of friction with outsiders
Many people who have moved to St. Cloud say fitting in isn't easy -- regardless of one's race, ethnicity, or religion. Given their different appearance, culture and faith, Somalis and Muslims have had a particularly difficult time.
Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling
Lost in the hoopla over Arizona's immigration law is the fact that state and local authorities for years have been doing their own aggressive crackdowns in the busiest illegal gateway into the country.
Courts flooded with requests to change child support terms
Parents who have faithfully kept up with their child support are falling behind and flooding the courts with requests for help, so Hennepin County officials are taking steps to keep the problem from getting worse.
Teenagers who grow up in this country as illegal immigrants don't qualify for federal grants or loans. They can't do work-study. But a group of students is showing their peers that college can be done.
A nation of dreamers
Historian H.W. Brands writes in his new book that the act of dreaming has been encoded in Americans' DNA from the very beginning. He joins Midmorning to discuss how that dream has changed over the past 65 years.
For college kids and high school students, summer is a break from the academic grind. But it's also a chance to make money and get a peek into the working world. Two writers with their own diverse job histories talk about the lasting impact of summer employment.
Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted a video edited in a way that made her appear racist.
Minnesota a top pick for settlement as Amish migrate west
Minnesota is among the top states that have experienced an Amish population boom in recent years. As their numbers increase quickly, the devout Christian group looks to migrate west. In Minnesota, numbers of Amish increased 9 percent, only behind New York nationally.
Arizona appeals order blocking parts of immigration law
Arizona is preparing to ask an appeals court to lift a judge's ruling that put most of the state's immigration law on hold in a key first-round victory for the federal government in a fight that may go to the U.S. Supreme Court.