Social Issues

Debate over dog park in south Mpls. sparks new conversations on Martin Luther King
A debate over a proposed off-leash dog area at Martin Luther King Park in Minneapolis has divided the opposing camps along largely racial lines, but meetings on the debate have sparked new conversation within the surrounding community.
A snowsuit tells tales of terror
Few people would link a toddler's snowsuit with the horrors of totalitarianism. Yet this weekend at the Walker Art Center some eastern European performers are doing just that. In "Show Your Face!" the snowsuit comes alive through a mixture of puppetry, movement and music.
Hmong community, military leader Vang Pao dies at 81
Gen. Vang Pao, a key U.S. ally during the Vietnam War, died Thursday near Fresno, Calif. He was 81. The military leader is described by admirers as a warrior chieftain of the 18 Hmong clans he helped lead.
There is a new edition of Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn in which the offensive racial epithets "injun" and "nigger" are replaced by "Indian" and "slave" respectively and there is a huge debate about the changes.
Census: Number of poor is millions higher
The number of poor people in the U.S. is millions higher than previously known, with 1 in 6 Americans - many of them 65 and older - struggling in poverty due to rising medical care and other costs, according to preliminary census figures released Wednesday.