Social Issues

Minn. marriage amendment a hot   -- and confusing -- topic at Pride fest
Over the weekend, Twin Cities Pride Festival was gay rights advocates' first chance to talk to their voting base about the proposed constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman, and they found that they have a lot of work to do.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law late Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage, just hours after it was passed by the Legislature. It was a breakthrough victory for gay activists, in the state where the gay rights movement was born.
Undressing the economic issues of the day
From the Greek debt crisis to the battle in Congress over the debt ceiling and continuing concerns over a double-dip recession, economic news is complex and confusing. The naked economist joins Midmorning to sort it all out.
From Prius to Ben and Jerry's, companies are embracing social responsibility. But is there a risk for luxury brands like BMW and Rolex when they try to "do good" for society?
Anoka-Hennepin sexual orientation policy has roots in 1995 school board action
The board accepted a recommendation to its health curriculum 16 years ago that said homosexuality shouldn't be taught as a normal, valid lifestyle. The remnants of that language are still being felt today.