Social Issues

Rural US disappearing? Population share hits low
Rural America now accounts for just 16 percent of the nation's population, the lowest ever. The latest 2010 census numbers hint at an emerging America where, by mid-century, city boundaries become indistinct and rural areas grow ever less relevant.
The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics.
The wealth gaps between whites and minorities have grown to their widest levels in a quarter-century. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains.
With the issue on the verge of coming to a vote in Minnesota, 30 other states have adopted constitutional amendments aimed at limiting marriage to one-man, one-woman unions.
The newlyweds wore matching tuxedoes and suits for the 30-minute ceremony, which opened with a playing of Ray Charles singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
Obama ends ban on gays in military
President Barack Obama on Friday formally signed off on ending the ban on gays serving openly in the military, doing away with a policy that's been controversial from the day it was enacted and making good on his 2008 campaign promise to the gay community.
Pentagon chief Panetta to OK end of military gay ban
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has decided to end the ban on gays serving openly in the armed services and certify that repealing the 17-year-old prohibition will not hurt the military's ability to fight.