Social Issues

The Gemini Project, a new program in the University of Minnesota's College of Science and Engineering, is teaching social and professional networking skills to students who may struggle in those areas, specifically targeting engineering students.
Craig Thompson's complex intertwinings in 'Habibi'
Graphic artist Craig Thompson believes that comic-books have yet to reach their full audience. His latest graphic novel 'Habibi' is an epic tale of love between two orphans in an un-named desert, and it draws on a huge array of religious and artistic traditions.
Two poets exploring, not explaining
Two nationally-recognized Minneapolis poets say they are pretty much done with explaining: now they want their work to be exploration.
The changing demographics in Minnesota
The latest census numbers show that one in 10 Minnesotans live in poverty. What does the data show about the economic and lifestyle situations in Minnesota, and how has this changed over the years?
Once upon a time, college roommates were assigned randomly. Now, many students are able to browse prospective roommates online, picking and choosing who they want to pair with. Sociologist Dalton Conley says that what we've gained in control, we've lost in serendipity and the chance for new experiences.
Census: Child poverty rate triples in Brooklyn Park
Unemployment and foreclosures continue to strain many Minnesota families, and more children are slipping into poverty, according to figures released Thursday by the Census Bureau's American Community Survey. The statistics are even more glaring in Brooklyn Park.