Social Issues

Same-sex marriage debate from the University of St. Thomas
From the University of St. Thomas Murphy Institute's "Hot Topics: Cool Talk" Lecture Series, Maggie Gallagher and Dale Carpenter debate the same-sex marriage amendment on the 2012 election ballot in Minnesota.
Russell Banks writes the life of a sex offender
In 50 years of writing fiction, Russell Banks has told the stories of many less-than-perfect people. For his latest novel "Lost Memory of Skin" he takes on perhaps his most troubling character: a young sex offender.
Award-winning stories from MPR's Young Reporters series
The Journalism Center on Children & Families at the University of Maryland is honoring MPR's Young Reporters series with a Casey Journalism Award for its exemplary reporting. Midday presents three stories from the series: Brenda's story as an undocumented teen, Roy Lee Spearman's tale of being gay and homeless while in high school, and Tiara Bellafant's experience as part of an experiment to keep kids in school.