Social Issues

OutFront Minnesota Lobby Day of Action
More than a thousand opponents of a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage rallied outside the Capitol Thursday, March 29, 2012. Speakers included lawmakers, clergy, representatives of labor and immigrant groups, and a graduate of Blaine High School who talked about the bullying he endured for being gay.
A 20-year-old Tibetan monk in western China has become the latest to set himself on fire in protest against the authoritarian government, Tibetan exiles said Thursday.
Gay-marriage foes sought to split gays and blacks
The leading national organization opposing same-sex marriage has sought to split the Democratic Party base by pitting African-Americans and Hispanics against gay-rights groups, according to confidential strategy memos made public by court officials in Maine.
Minn. father on parenting from prison: 'They're doing this time with me'
While some inmates lose touch with their children on the outside, Leon Perry has long tried hard to be a parent -- no easy task for a man who can only talk to his children on the phone, or during an occasional visit.
Trayvon Martin, my son, and the Black Male Code
In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, parents around the country are passing along to their children the Black Male Code -- including AP writer Jesse Washington. He needed to explain to his 12-year-old son that soon people might be afraid of him.