MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

Is police body camera footage public?
Some have questioned if agencies are rushing to adopt the technology too quickly before a solid regulatory framework has been developed around their use.
Republican leaders have fast-tracked the bill and Democrats are upset after the Senate's labor committee cut short a public hearing on the bill Tuesday night.
Sugar: Have we had enough in processed food?
General Mills plans to cut the amount of sugar in its Yoplait Original yogurt by more than 25 percent. That reformulated Yoplait comes amid a growing public debate about sugar and how it affects our health.
35 years after Miracle on Ice: The Red Army Soviet story
This weekend marks the 35th anniversary of the game that became known as the Miracle on Ice. A new documentary, "Red Army," tells the story of the losing team.
Law school: Is it worth it?
What are law schools doing to remain relevant? And what is the future of legal education?