MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

Beverly Daniel Tatum's groundbreaking book on the racial realities of the education system has been re-released at a time when the U.S. population is more diverse than ever, but many schools remain segregated.
Living legend Cornbread Harris shares stories and songs from his seven-decade career
Cornbread Harris is a living legend. At 90 years old, the rock 'n' roll pioneer (also known as Jimmy Jam's dad) visited The Current's studios to record an in-studio session with Local Show host Andrea Swensson and MPR News host Tom Weber.
At a time of year when we often share stories of forgiveness and redemption, MPR host Marianne Combs looked at what happens after someone falls from grace.