MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

National Science Foundation documentary: Listening to the Arctic
The Arctic is warming faster than nearly everywhere else on Earth, bringing with it new opportunities and unprecedented risks. This documentary takes you to the people and places where scientific research is being done to understand the Arctic and climate change and its impact on the rest of the world.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says her work keeps her going
Ginsburg, who is now 86, finished a round of radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer in late August and told the audience of 15,000-plus people of all ages that “my work keeps me going.”
Intelligence Squared debate: Is recent U.S. policy towards China productive?
Are recent U.S. policies tough and focused enough to achieve key economic and strategic objectives? Or will U.S. policy escalate tensions too much, ultimately reducing the chances that the world’s two major powers can achieve a sensible accommodation?
At a Loss for Words: What's wrong with how schools teach children reading
There is a theory about how people read words — one that’s deeply embedded in teaching practices and curriculum materials widely used in elementary school classrooms. Although the idea has been disproved by cognitive scientists, it continues to be included teacher preparation programs, promoted in professional development sessions, and marketed by publishers. This APM Reports documentary investigates where the idea comes from, why it endures and how it harms kids.