MPR News Presents

Climate Cast at State Fair: The impact of climate change on outdoor recreation

Jesse Schomberg, Ann Bancroft, Paul Huttner at the State Fair.
Left to right: Jesse Schomberg, Ann Bancroft and Paul Huttner at the MPR booth on Aug. 28 at the Minnesota State Fair.
MPR photo

​Paul Huttner, MPR chief meteorologist, talks climate change with polar explorer Ann Bancroft and Jesse Schomberg of Minnesota Sea Grant.

Bancroft was the first woman to reach the North and South poles. Schomberg lives and works in Duluth.

​"​We’ll talk about how climate change in Minnesota is impacting outdoor recreation​," Huttner says. "We’ll explore how Minnesota’s outdoor economy is adapting. And, as always, ​w​e’ll talk about climate solutions and the opportunities they generate.​"​

​The discussion is a production of Climate Cast and The Water Main. It was recorded at the Minnesota State Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019.