MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Dr. Michael Osterholm on global disease transmission
Osterholm says boundaries are irrelevant, and no oceans or mountains will stop the transmission of disease for even one day. The world is not ready for a pandemic.
MPR Special report: Climate Change in Minnesota
This week we've been airing a series of special reports on climate change in Minnesota. All this week, we've shown how climate change is touching every corner of Minnesota and how many of us are adapting. This hour you'll hear many of these reports. Minnesota today is seeing the effects of a warming climate, this based on facts, research and more than a century of data.
Henry Paulson and Greg Page on the business risks of climate change
Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is co-chairman of "The Risky Business Project," which is assessing the business risks of global climate change. He came to Minnesota on Jan. 23 to release the Midwest edition of the "Risky Business" report at the Economic Club of Minnesota. The retired chairman and CEO of General Mills, Steve Sanger, moderated the event at the Economic Club and Cargill's executive chairman Greg Page was a featured speaker.
The Legislative Deans: Phyllis Kahn and Lyndon Carlson
Two lawmakers have each seen four decades of the ups and downs, being in the majority and the minority, and a session when the House was exactly tied. This hour you'll hear some reflections, and some advice, from the "Deans" of the Minnesota legislature, Representative Phyllis Kahn, a DFL-er from Minneapolis and Representative Lyndon Carlson, a DFL-er from the Minneapolis suburb of Crystal. Both were elected in 1972. Representative Kahn was a PhD biophysicist and microbial geneticist when she came to the legislature, and Representative Carlson was a high school social studies teacher. Former Republican House Speaker Steve Sviggum is a legislative fellow at the University of Minnesota Humphrey School, where he interviewed the legislature's longest serving members.
'Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie'
The University of Minnesota convened a panel of speakers last week to talk about how to respect pluralism and diversity while also respecting the principles of freedom of speech and expression. It was titled, "Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie." You'll hear William Mitchell constitutional law professor Anthony Winer, 2013 Pulitzer Prize-winning Star Tribune editorial cartoonist Steve Sack, University of Minnesota media ethics and law professor Jane Kirtley, and U of M French professor Bruno Chaouat.
Steven Brill on 'America's Bitter Pill.'
Journalist Steven Brill made a big splash with his 2013 Time magazine special report and cover story, "Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills are Killing Us." Now he's out with a best-selling book titled, "America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Back-Room Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System." Steven Brill sat down with former CBS TV reporter Susan Spencer for a January 21, 2015 conversation at the JFK Presidential Library in Boston about what's wrong with our health care system and what can be done about it.
Ecological intelligence and why our brains ignore climate change
A program from the "Climate One" series produced by the Commonwealth Club of California. The speakers suggest that most Americans have "ecological systems blindness," because the human brain is designed for survival by responding to immediate danger, not to long-term risks. The moderator is Greg Dalton.
Intelligence Squared debate: Is Amazon a friend to readers?
A debate from NPR's Intelligence Squared series about the value of books. Four experts debate the motion, "Amazon is a reader's friend." Attorney and the best-selling author of legal thrillers Scott Turow is one of the debaters, as they explore the future of book publishing and the best way to serve readers.
Young entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos
30-year-old billionaire scientist and entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford at age 19 because she thought she could live a life of purpose if she put her ideas to work in a company called Theranos. She spoke at the Computer History Museum's "Revolutionaries" series.
Jared Diamond, on 'The World Until Yesterday.'
Jared Diamond is a physician, biophysicist, ethnographer and a professor of geography at UCLA. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Guns, Germs and Steel," "Collapse," and "The World Until Yesterday" spoke in December 2014 at the Commonwealth Club of California.