'Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie'

Charlie Hebdo press conference
Charlie Hebdo cartoonist, Renald Luzier aka Luz, speaks during a Charlie Hebdo press conference held at the Liberation offices in Paris on January 13, 2015 in Paris, France. The press conference was held to announce the next issue following the terrorist attack January 7th against Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed.
Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images

Last month in Paris, France, two men entered the newspaper Charlie Hebdo and killed cartoonists, journalists, guards and a policeman because the paper printed cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad. The men were identified as members of Al-Qaeda in Yemen. Large demonstrations of support for journalists and free speech followed. The University of Minnesota convened a panel of speakers last week to talk about how to respect pluralism and diversity while also respecting the principles of freedom of speech and expression. It was titled, "Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie."

You'll hear William Mitchell constitutional law professor Anthony Winer, 2013 Pulitzer Prize-winning Star Tribune editorial cartoonist Steve Sack, University of Minnesota media ethics and law professor Jane Kirtley, and U of M French professor Bruno Chaouat.