MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Security guru Bruce Schneier on 'Data and Goliath'
Schneier says we're living in a "golden age of surveillance" and it happened because of computers, smart phones, security cameras and cash registers. He warns that we exude data that paints an intimate picture of who we are. Author of "Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World."
Heather Cox Richardson on Wounded Knee Massacre
In December 1890, a US cavalry regiment killed 250 innocent Lakota men, women and children in South Dakota in what became known as the Wounded Knee Massacre. Boston College history professor Heather Cox Richardson speaks at the MNHS History Forum about her new book, "Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre."
President Obama participates in Georgetown University's 'Poverty Summit'
President Barack Obama says his administration is refocused on addressing poverty in America. In a rare appearance of this kind, President Obama was a panel participant at Georgetown University's 'Poverty Summit' with conservative economist Arthur Brooks and liberal political scientist Robert Putnam.
IQ2 debate: Is smart technology making us dumb?
A debate from the Intelligence Squared series. The motion is "Smart technology is making us dumb." Arguing FOR are Nicholas Carr and Andrew Keen. Arguing AGAINST are Genevieve Bell and David Weinberger.
Documentary: Lost Children of the Holocaust
The story of child survivors in post-war Europe is a tale of courage and humanity born out of atrocity in World War II. 70 years later, the BBC finds out what happened to twelve of the children who survived the death camps.
America Abroad: Understanding Islamic feminism
This discussion from the America Abroad series highlights the realities Muslim women who are seeking gender equality face around the world.
Adm. James Stavridis on threats of cyber-crime
Admiral James Stavridis, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, speaks about the serious threats to our infrastructure, national security and personal privacy from cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism. He spoke at the Hendrickson Forum at St. Mary's University of Minnesota.