MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Intelligence Squared debate: Has the President usurped the constitutional power of Congress?
Is Congress the most powerful branch of government, or is this the era of the imperial presidency? The Intelligence Squared debate motion is "The President has usurped the constitutional power of Congress."
History Forum: Imperialism and America's mission abroad: A century ago and now.
A look at globalization, racism and America's role in the world, from the perspective of events more than a century ago. Susan Harris was featured at the 2016 History Forum, and she gave her talk the intriguing title, "Pious Hypocrisies: Mark Twain, The Philippines, and America's Christian Mission Abroad."
MPR's Kerri Miller hosts science writer Mary Roach for the latest edition of the 'Thread' series. Roach is the author of books with such intriguing titles as "Stiff," "Spook" and "Gulp." Her newest book is "Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans At War."
Juan Williams on 'We the People'
Award-winning journalist and author Juan Williams highlights key figures who personify the big changes that have increased anxiety in much of American society: the power of women, the influence of immigration, the growing economic inequality, and more. Juan Williams talks about his new book, "We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America."
America Abroad: 'Civil Resistance: The Power of the People'
The history and effectiveness of nonviolent resistance movements, from Gandhi to the American civil rights movement to current civil resistance efforts in Zimbabwe, India and Colombia.
Steve Phillips: 'Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution has Created a New American Majority'
Civil rights attorney Steve Phillips has studied the impact of America's changing demographics on electoral politics, and is out with a new book called "Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution has Created a New American Majority."
Douglas Brinkley, 'Rightful Heritage: FDR and the Land of America'
Douglas Brinkley has written a new book about one of the presidents he thinks has had the biggest impact on conservation in America: Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR said "there's nothing more American than the National Parks" and he even suggested during World War II that global conservation is the basis for permanent peace.