America Abroad: 'Civil Resistance: The Power of the People'

Martin Luther King Jr leads march to Montgomery
On March 30, 1965, American civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) and his wife Coretta Scott King lead a voting rights march from Selma, Ala., to the state capital in Montgomery.
William Lovelace/Getty Images

The history and effectiveness of nonviolent resistance movements, from Gandhi to the American civil rights movement to current civil resistance efforts in Zimbabwe, India and Colombia.

From the America Abroad series, anchored by Madeleine Brand. Guests include UNC history professor Walter Conser, International studies professor Erica Chenoweth of University of Denver, political scientist Mary King, author of "Freedom Song: A Personal Story of the 1960's Civil Rights Movement" and Hardy Merriman, president of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict.