Morning Edition: Music

Surviving Monkees out with new album
An impressive collection of contemporary musicians wrote songs for the album, which is getting good reviews.
Charles Bradley went from homeless to recording artist
Today's Morning Edition music is from Charles Bradley with "Changes" the title track from his new album. He will be performing tonight at First Avenue in Minneapolis.
A birthday celebration at Duluth Dylan Fest
Producers Dave Engen and Robert Jersak traveled to the festival over the weekend to talk to people about what the musician means to them.
The group started out as four siblings from the Watts area of Los Angeles who called themselves The Little Angels. By the time they became The Sylvers, nine siblings were part of the group.
Dylan called 'Judas' in famous moment 50 years ago
During the second half of a show in Manchester, England, Dylan played with a fully electrified rock band. To one fan, that was a betrayal of Dylan's status as a folk music icon.