Dylan called 'Judas' in famous moment 50 years ago

Bob Dylan at Grammys
Bob Dylan performs at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards Feb. 13, 2011, in Los Angeles.
Matt Sayles | AP 2011

Today's Morning Edition music is based on something that happened 50 years ago today, when Keith Butler was in the audience during a Bob Dylan concert in Manchester, England.

Between songs near the end of the show, Butler shouted at Dylan. The crowd reacted and then Dylan reacted to what he said.

It would become one of the more infamous moments in rock 'n' roll history.

Butler was a fan of Dylan's acoustic folk music and that's what he heard during the first half of the concert. But during the second half of the show, Dylan played with a fully electrified rock band.

To Butler that was a betrayal of Dylan's status as a folk music icon. The word he shouted was "Judas."