Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

New law offers utility rate cuts for big business
A jobs and energy budget bill signed by Gov. Mark Dayton cuts rates for mining companies, paper mills and steel mills in northern Minnesota. But residential and small business rates will rise.
Temporary archdiocese caretaker to say Mass for priests Wednesday
Priests are eager to hear from Archbishop Bernard Hebda, the temporary apostolic administrator for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He will hold a Mass in Rochester Wednesday.
MN lawmakers pull the plug on pollution-fighting citizens' panel
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens' Board, once one of the state's most powerful citizen bodies, will shut down next week, the victim of a special session legislative deal.
Profile: Archbishop Bernard Hebda, temporary caretaker of the Twin Cities archdiocese
Hebda will take on all responsibilities of leading the archdiocese following Nienstedt's resignation. He will fill the role until Pope Francis appoints a new, permanent archbishop.