Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now with Nina Moini
Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now with Nina Moini is journalism that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s reporting that puts people first with live, down-to-earth, unscripted interviews that aim to inform and entertain. Tune in to Minnesota Now weekdays at noon on the radio or the live audio stream at mprnews.org.

Listen: Missed the show? Want to hear a specific conversation? Check out past episodes and segments on Apple PodcastsSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

Minnesota music: One of the pillars of Minnesota Now is featuring great Minnesota-based music. Here’s this year’s playlist of songs heard on the show.

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Minnesota Now series

Out to Lunch | Thank You, Stranger | Connect the Dots | State of Democra-Z | Professional Help

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Osterholm: 5th COVID wave 'absolutely' possible
“If you are not vaccinated, you can't run out the clock on this virus. It will find you,” Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, told Cathy Wurzer Monday during her new MPR News show, Minnesota Now.
Live, down to earth, unscripted interviews that aim to connect, inform and entertain. Real people share real stories with Cathy Wurzer. It’s journalism that doesn’t take itself too seriously and puts people first. Minnesota Now launches on Monday, Oct. 18, on MPR News. It's airs every weekday at noon, and podcast episodes featuring highlights from the show will be posted every afternoon.