Daily Circuit Blog

A recent op-ed piece in Slate argues that we should raise taxes on childless working professionals in order to give working parents a break. Author Reihan Salam, childless himself, says the financial burden of raising a child is staggering. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has found that raising a child born in 2012 will cost Read more →
“This growing gap in smoking rates between rich and poor is helping drive inequality in health outcomes, experts say, with, for example, white women on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder now living shorter lives.”
Op-ed pick: A new way to look at March Madness
“That kind of economic inequality would put even America’s striking income imbalance to shame. And it’s hard to imagine even the most ardent members of the Ayn Rand fan club touting it as a model for distributing wealth fairly. “
Op-ed pick: What is life?
“Likewise, ‘life’ is an idea. We find it useful to think of some things as alive and others as inanimate, but this division exists only in our heads.”
It seems nothing short of spooky that a giant jet could simply vanish and we’d be left waiting to find some sort of physical evidence.