MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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Grandparenting during the pandemic 
Grandparents have always stepped up to support grandchildren, but during the pandemic that love looks a bit different. Tuesday, host Angela Davis talks with two grandmothers — a journalist and an early childhood education leader  — about how elders are providing child care and trying to bridge the distance on Zoom. 
Will millennials ever retire?
Baby boomers and Gen X are looking forward to retirement. But millennials are agonizing over making and saving enough to retire. Why? Is there anything young people can do now so they can retire later? 
Who were the Vikings, really? 
How about those Vikings? Not the football team. We’re talking about the ancient voyagers and raiders from the North. MPR News host Angela Davis talked with a Minnesota historian and an archeologist in the U.K. about Vikings in popular imagination and new research that challenges old ideas about who they were and where they went. 
How the pandemic has changed our cities
The pandemic is changing the way our cities look and operate. Remote work has changed commute patterns and raised questions about how we use downtown spaces, our streets and more. MPR News host Angela Davis explores how the pandemic has redesigned our cities and whether those changes are here to stay.
How the recovery community is surviving the pandemic
For people in recovery, the pandemic presented some familiar and some new problems. And while the opioid epidemic continues to grow, access and affordability of rehab and counseling continues to be a challenge for many people. Host Angela Davis speaks with experts on entering or staying in recovery during the ongoing pandemic. 
Child-free by choice: Why more people are deciding not to have children
More people say they don’t plan on having children, and they are making that decision for a variety of reasons, from climate change to simply not wanting kids. MPR News host Angela Davis talks with a sociology professor and an author about why more people are choosing not to have children.
How to spend less when everything costs more
We’re paying about 90 cents more per gallon of gas compared to a year ago. Inflation hit 7 percent last year overall, affecting everything from food to furniture. MPR News host Angela Davis talks with personal finance experts about how to save money when consumer goods cost more. 
Can we help kids learn to love math?   
Math performance on standardized tests has been dropping for years and worsened during the  pandemic. As the state of Minnesota prepares to revise its math standards for the first time since 2007, MPR News host Angela Davis talks with math educators about the importance of numeracy and how to help children love and understand math. 
Is the pandemic causing us to behave badly?
The prolonged stress, uncertainty and grief of the pandemic is making people angry — and some of them are taking it out in public. MPR News host Angela Davis talks about the increase in pandemic bad behavior with a New York Times journalist. And she talks about the causes of our anger and how to better manage it with a psychologist and an advice columnist.
How to strengthen your relationship during the pandemic
MPR News guest host Twila Dang talks with a relationships and dating writer and a marriage and family therapist about navigating love and strengthening our relationships during the pandemic.