
Fill up your gas tank and prepare to wait. Some tips to prepare for April’s total solar eclipse
Small towns and rural enclaves along the path of April’s total solar eclipse are steeling for huge crowds of sun chasers who plan to catch a glimpse of day turning into dusk in North America.
Watching a solar eclipse without the right filters can cause eye damage. Here’s why
When the April 8 solar eclipse draws eyes upward, having proper solar filters and solar eclipse glasses is essential to avoid potentially permanent eye damage, doctors say.
What’s Pi Day all about? Math, science, pies and more
College students, rocket scientists and math enthusiasts around the world are celebrating Pi Day. The holiday is on Thursday, March 14 since 3/14 correlates to the first three digits of the infinite number.
A simple blood test can detect colorectal cancer early, study finds
At a time when colorectal cancer is rising, researchers say a blood test can detect 83 percent of people with the disease. If the FDA approves it the test would be another screening tool for early detection.