2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Correction officers at state prisons are working without support staff. Daily activities and programs as well as recreation and inmate visits are canceled.
Why couldn't Dayton and the GOP agree on a budget solution?
Many state government functions are closed Friday, as Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican legislative leaders failed to solve a $5 billion budget shortfall by the June 30 deadline. How did it get to this point, and what can be done to get the state moving again?
Q & A: State employee shares sense of gravity
Along with members of the public who might be affected by a state government shutdown are approximately 22,000 non-essential state employees who would lose their jobs for an unspecified length of time.