2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

The Minneapolis Urban League is hosting a forum on MNsure, the state's new online marketplace for health insurance.
Minnesota's two-year budget puzzle was starting to come together Thursday as the state Senate took up the two biggest pieces of state spending -- education and health and social services.
The State Senate passed a two-year, $15.7 billion education finance bill Thursday on a 35 to 28 vote that includes full funding for all-day kindergarten in every district.
Bars, brewers blast booze tax proposal in Minn.
A bill passed by the Minnesota House that would increase taxes on alcohol has the hospitality and alcoholic beverage industries in an uproar. Summit Brewing's Mark Stutrud says taxation could "eliminate our existence."
Bonding bill's prospects take a hit in Minn. Senate
Prospects for a bonding bill dimmed Wednesday, when Democrats in the Minnesota Senate added a cash allocation to their tax bill for one of the session's key bonding project proposals -- the renovation of the State Capitol Building.
Minn. House to vote on tax hike bill
Prospects for a bonding bill dimmed Wednesday, when Democrats in the Minnesota Senate added a cash allocation to their tax bill for one of the session's key bonding project proposals -- the renovation of the State Capitol Building.
State taxpayer money would go toward an expansion of the Mayo Clinic only after a hefty amount of private money and more local taxes are committed to the project, under a reworked plan unveiled in a state Senate committee on Monday.